Definition of nikaah

Linguistically – It means "the contract of marriage", and it also means "having intercourse with the wife". Abu 'Alee al-Qaalee said: "The Arabs have differed with respect to the use of the word ((contract)) and ((intercourse)). So, if they say: So and so made nikaah with a girl or the daughter of so and so, then what they intend is the contract of marriage. And if they say: He made nikaah with this woman or his wife, then what they intend is sexual intercourse."

Technically – A contract of agreement between a man and a woman, each intending by it to seek pleasure/enjoyment with the other and building a pious family leading to a stable community.

It needs to be mentioned here, that the intention behind nikaah is not simply to seek pleasure/enjoyment with one's partner, rather, it is also intended to build a pious family leading to a stable community. However, it may well be that one of the two of these intentions takes precedence over the other according to the specific circumstances of a person.

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